You probably know just how important it
is to incorporate a remarkably competent and effective
SEO strategy into your affiliate marketing endeavors.
By reading some awesome Mobidea Academy articles written
about SEO, you’ve been able to understand how to write
SEO-friendly content, what SEO steps to take in case you
happen to be a webmaster, and many more different
aspects that we’ve covered for you to check.
But now I’m gonna give you something different.
It’s gonna be something that will allow you to expand
your knowledge way beyond the borders of your busy
Are you ready for this?
Then start reading this amazing article!

What is SEO?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is basically the
practice of increasing both the quality and quantity of
traffic going to your website through the organic
results of search engines.
What do I mean by quality of traffic?
It’s about attracting visitors who aren’t random website
It’s about getting those super specific users who are
really interested in the products you have to sell.
What about quantity?
What’s that all about?
This comes after the quality part.
Let’s imagine you have those quality users.
These are gems.
They’re people who clearly love your content or your
Now, what?
Now you want more.
The more humans click the search engine results’ pages,
the more traffic.
More traffic is always better, bro!
But how can you learn about having traffic of a higher
How can you learn the basics of SEO and some SEO best
practices to make sure you’re all set for greatness?
Keep reading!
Why Should You Get an SEO Course or Certification?
An SEO course is usually a certified program that allows
you to study and dive into one or many aspects of SEO.
There are some courses that are solely specialized in
Off-Page SEO, others which dive into On-Page SEO, others
which teach you how to craft the finest keyword research
strategy to get more bang for your SEO buck, etc.
An SEO certification is usually an additional
educational experience you can enjoy after having gone
through some SEO courses.
SEO certifications usually offer advanced SEO training
and help learners become experts in the field of SEO.
By efficiently developing their skills so as to improve
search engine rankings, increase overall website
traffic, or even optimize for specific, targeted
Why Should You Invest in SEO Training?
You’ve heard the following expression:
“It’s just like riding a bike.”
It basically allows you to understand that something is
almost instinctive.
The ability you need to have to maneuver it or play with
it lives in you forever after you’ve gone through the
process of learning the particular skill.
Once you acquire a skill which is “like riding a bike”
you won’t have to learn it again.
SEO is the exact opposite.
SEO is a complex set of methodologies and techniques
designed to make sure the content you create is
fine-tuned and ready to be judged by the mighty power of
Google, humankind’s most unkind judge.
Google is always releasing new algorithms, guidelines,
and rules.
This means that SEO experts such as Aaron Agius or Brian
Dean must always change their approach, adapt to new
Google guidelines, and basically come up with new SEO
rules every single year, so as to make sure SEO doesn’t
become some sort of obsolete science.
This is where courses and certifications come in.
Since they tend to be updated quite regularly, you
should understand that you must go through different
courses and certifications throughout your whole career.
SEO isn’t a stable entity:
It changes, shifts, and morphs every single day.

Why is SEO so important?
Because it allows brands to instantly get more
visibility to their products or websites, with almost
invisible costs, especially when compared to PPC.
This is a relevant investment which isn’t a guarantee of
success but which is certainly focused on the future and
on making sure your product or website is as sharp as