is the preserver god, which means he protects the
universe from being destroyed and keeps it going,
according to this religion, and he has come to earth in
nine forms (called avatars) so far, with one yet to
come. His most famous forms are Rama and Krishna.
Vishnu's wife is Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of fortune.

Vishnu is usually shown with light blue skin and four
arms. He holds a lotus, mace (gada), conch (shankha) and
disc (chakra) in each of four hands. He is famously
taken many guises. But three main forms of Vishnu are
Karanodakshayi Vishnu (Mahavishnu), Garbhodakshayi
Vishnu and Kshirodakashayi Vishnu. The latter two being
the expansion of Karanodakshayi Vishnu. Is the preserver
of of dharma and karma along with Braman he punishes
evil doers and is also one of the creators of the
universe in some Hindu myths he Also made brama and
Lord Vishnu, along with Shiva and Brahma forms the Holy
Hindu trinity (Trimurti) and is revered in Vaishnavism
as the Supreme being (Brahman). Venerated as the
preserver and protector of The Universe, Lord Vishnu
incarnates on Earth to restore balance and vanquish evil
and destructive forces. He is present in all living
beings, permeating all objects and life forms as the
eternal Transcendental being. The Brahmanas describe Him
as the fountain of all knowledge and the originator of
the Holy Texts (Vedas). The ancient texts (Upanishads
and Puranas) also extoll His deeds and hail Him as the
Omnipotent being pervading all that is visible and

According to the Bhagwat Mahapuran there are 24 avatars
of Lord Vishnu, with 23 being descended and 1 left. But
the below 10 are mostly important. The 10 Avatars of
Vishnu (in the order they appeared):
Matsya (Fish)
Kurma (Turtle)
Varaha (Boar)
Narasimha (half lion, half man)
Vamana (Dwarf / Short man)
Parashurama (Fierce man / Hunter)
Rama (Developed man / Ideal man / Fighter)
Krishna (Cowherd Prince)
Different branches of Hindu tradition accept two
different figures as the 9th avatar of Vishnu:
Balarama (Physically advanced man)
Buddha (Intellectual and scientific man - but according
to buddism, he is not incarnation of vishnu)
Kalki (future avatar, has not appeared yet)