Professional web designer and internet marketer with 22
years of experience in the industry. My focus in on
small and mid-sized businesses. If you are a
small/mid-sized business, you will find a lot of useful
resources on this site. I am based out of Jersey City,
New Jersey but my current client base is all over New
York and New Jersey with concentration in New York City
(Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx), Jersey City,
Bayonne, Hoboken, Union City, Newark and the surrounding
Let's start with some basic questions.
How much does a website cost?
There is no standard price for a website. The price for
your website will depend on the following:
a. The type of website you want.
An e-commerce (shopping) website will cost more than a
simple vanity site.
A website that requires custom programming could cost
more than an e-commerce site.
b. Your web designer.
That's right. Different web designers charge
Obviously, a more experienced web designer with more
years of experience will charge more than a beginner web
designer. A web designer in New York city is also likely
to charge higher than a web designer in Bayonne, New
Jersey. The larger web develpment firms will also charge
a higher fee.NOTE: A larger web development company does
not necessarily do a better job than a freelancer like
I have personally done sites for several large web
development firms. As an example, a large web company
might charge $8,000 for an e-commerce site. This company
passes the work to me and I do the work for $3,000. In
fact, a lot of large web design companies hire web
designers with only a few years of experience to keep
the cost down. Whenever, they need a more experienced
developer they contact guys like myself with over a
decade of experience.
So, bottom line, there is no standard price for the
website you want.
Regardless, I have setup a baseline pricing to give you
a general idea.
Checkout our website prices page.

get a website from me?
There are thousands of web designers out there. Why
choose me?
Here is why. My prices are usually lesser than that of
most other web designers for the experience I have.
There are different levels of expertise in the web
development industry. There are student web designers
who have just finished their web design course and there
are professional web developers who have been involved
in web development for number of years. I have been
developing websites for over 22 years now. Most of the
work was for major financial and pharmaceutical firms.
Most big, prestigious web design firms don't have web
developers with 16 years of experience.
So here are the differences between me and big web
design firms.
1. Pricing:
I work out of my home office in Jersey City. So my
overhead cost is a lot lesser and therefore my fee is a
lot more affordable.
Big web design firms have bigger offices and more
employees. This means more expenses like office rent ,
receptionist expenses and more. That's why big web
design firms will charge you more money. It's not
necessarily because big web design firms can do a better
job than a freelancer like myself.
Check our web design pricing page.
2. Experience:
I have over 22 years of experience developing websites
and marketing them. I am considered a senior web
Most web design firms will have one or two senior web
developers and a bunch of college students and part time
newbie web designers with one year of experience. Unless
you are willing to spend big bucks for your site ( like
over $10,000 ), your site is going to be done be the
college student with 1 year of experience.
3. Marketing:
I have a solid internet marketing knowledge and
experience. In fact, bringing visitors to your site is
one of my biggest strength. Afterall, isn't that what
websites are for? I see this as one of the biggest
reasons why I might be suitable over many other web
design firms.
Most web designers (including highly technical ones)
have lesser experience in marketing.
4. Friendship:
I am a very easy going and friendly person. Most of my
clients are friends now.
So why is this important?
If you are a small or mid-sized business, you probably
don't have a techie person on staff. You might even be a
one person operation. In your situation it helps a lot
to have a techie like myself as a friend. My clients
from 5 years ago still call me with computer related but
not web site related questions.
Try calling a big web design company about your printer
Big web design firms have called me to do their work at
times. They might be getting $8,000 from a customer. I
do all the work and get $3,000 for the job.
I have done quite a lot of sites like this that I cannot
claim as my work.
It's called farming out. Web design firms do this when
they are extrmely busy or when their staff do not have
the technical knowledge for the project. |